Founded in 2002, we started as a help desk for latchkey kids. The Founder built a team that offered advice to students who seemed lost and lacked family support. Today, we provide a broad range of assistance. We offer monthly groceries, lunch pocket money and cooked dinners. Our signature program, Grant-A-Wish, helps needy students with necessities for education, health and basic living. We have thus provided spectacles, hearing aids, sports shoes or equipment, book vouchers and household items. Even fumigation services.
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Volunteer with Us

Join us in supporting children and youth from low income families!

We have various volunteering opportunities for individuals, groups and corporates. For individual and group volunteering, head over to our Volunteer Portal to register your interest for our volunteering programmes. Kindly note that volunteers have to be 18 years old and above for direct volunteering opportunities (interacting with the children).


For corporate volunteering, please write in to us at info@wishingwell.org.sg


We will be in touch with you via email. We look forward to having you onboard!

Volunteering Opportunities

We thank you for your interest in volunteering and supporting our organization’s cause.

All volunteers will need to submit a volunteer form to acknowledge our volunteer management policies which include the volunteer code of conduct. Please refer to the form here to get an understanding of what it entails.