Children’s Wishing Well (CWW) is a registered charity and IPC founded in 2002. We have won the Charity Transparency Awards accorded by MCCY from 2019 to 2023. We focus on supporting children and youth from low-income families, mainly through educational programmes and financial assistance. We reach out to over 1,000 beneficiaries each year via 2 full-service centres, 8 community sites, and collaborations with other charitable organisations. We depend solely on donations from private organisations and members of public to fund our services, while keeping all our programmes and services 100% free of charge for the children and families. We believe that by providing the children with educational support and more equal opportunities, they will be able to maximise their potential and get out of the poverty trap.
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Career GPS

What: The program aims to expose secondary school-going youths to different career options in various industries and to hopefully inspire them to find their passion and pursue their goals. It usually takes the format of a 3-hour workshop at the company’s premise and should include a tour of the company; small-group sharing and interaction session with staff from various departments and job functions; role-playing; discussion and presentation on case study (ideally a workplace scenario) / what have been learnt. Lecture-style sessions are strongly discouraged. Cost would include any 2-way transport and resources or materials that are necessary to facilitate the session(s).

When: School Holidays (Weekdays and Saturdays)
Who: 13 to 17 years old

Make a real impact by inspiring young minds! Partner with us through Career GPS and help shape future leaders.
To find out how your company can get involved, contact us here