Career GPS: Pope Jai Thai (2 Apr 2018) - CHILDREN'S WISHING WELL
Founded in 2002, we started as a help desk for latchkey kids. The Founder built a team that offered advice to students who seemed lost and lacked family support. Today, we provide a broad range of assistance. We offer monthly groceries, lunch pocket money and cooked dinners. Our signature program, Grant-A-Wish, helps needy students with necessities for education, health and basic living. We have thus provided spectacles, hearing aids, sports shoes or equipment, book vouchers and household items. Even fumigation services.
singapore, charity, children, children charity, donate, donation
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Career GPS: Pope Jai Thai (2 Apr 2018)

20 Apr Career GPS: Pope Jai Thai (2 Apr 2018)

It had been an informative and inspiring trip to Pope Jai Thai for the students from Clementi Town Secondary School!

Owner Mr Daniel Teh’s journey from a gang member to a social entrepreneur struck a chord with the students in attendance. The students also got the opportunity to visit the kitchen and see how some of the staff work to the best of their abilities despite their limitations.

All in all, it had been a fulfilling and eye-opening afternoon for the students, and we would like to express our appreciation and gratitude to Mr. Teh and Pope Jai Thai for hosting us!

preciate you!