Children's Wishing Well
Children’s Wishing Well (CWW) is a registered charity and IPC founded in 2002. We have won the Charity Transparency Awards accorded by MCCY from 2019 to 2023. We focus on supporting children and youth from low-income families, mainly through educational programmes and financial assistance. We reach out to over 1,000 beneficiaries each year via 2 full-service centres, 8 community sites, and collaborations with other charitable organisations. We depend solely on donations from private organisations and members of public to fund our services, while keeping all our programmes and services 100% free of charge for the children and families. We believe that by providing the children with educational support and more equal opportunities, they will be able to maximise their potential and get out of the poverty trap.
singapore, charity, children, children charity, donate, donation
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We are a registered charity founded in 2002, and the only charity organisation in Singapore focused on the holistic education of children and youth from disadvantaged backgrounds. Our children come from low-income families, and their parents may be ill, incarcerated, or absent from their lives. We provide a broad range of services to them 100% free-of-charge.


Our programmes support their current educational and daily living needs, as well as equip them with skills for their future, so as to empower them to escape the poverty trap.


  • Children’s Enrichment Programme

  • A holistic child development programme to support their academic, daily living, psychosocial, and future life skills needs, so that every child can maximise their potential, and grow up to become useful members of society.


  • Fresh gRoceries for Every Student’s Home (FRESH)

  • An empowering programme to allow children to select what they need from supermarkets, while learning about budgeting, nutrition and decision-making.





  • Reach For The Stars



  • Sponsoring talented students to pursue formal training and qualifications in the arts, sports, IT, and other areas so that they may DSA into a good Secondary School and pursue a future career in the area.



  • Career GPS/ Work Attachments/ Mentorship

  • Exposing students to different career options and encouraging them to work towards their goals.






  • Grant-A-Wish


  • GAW allows students to ask for something that they need, either for themselves or for their families, for which assistance is not available from government funding schemes.




  • Daily Lunch


  • Ensuring no child goes hungry by providing nutritious hot lunches for any child who walks into our centres on weekdays.






  • Birthday Celebrations

  • Providing food, cakes, and gifts, and most importantly – happy memories – to celebrate the children’s birthdays.






  • Transport Subsidy


  • Picking up the MOE FAS co-payment component to ensure that students are not missing school due to transport issues or inability to pay for transport.